

So it was back to school for me last week, hence the lameness with posting. I was all set to have a heavy duty studio work weekend over the labor day holiday, but alas it wasn't so. We had a teacher depart from the department last year, and lucky me got clean up all the stuff that he left behind. Somehow I pulled my back and neck moving around his leftover heavy boxes of junk, and woke up Saturday in screaming pain and unable to move my head sideways or up and down. So I was forced to rest on one of the most beautiful days this summer, brain dead on muscle relaxers. I did get to watch back to back episodes of "The Sopranos" and be waited on by my patient husband. Anyhow, I didn't get as much work done as I had hoped for in anticipation of Crafty Bastards. AND I found out I got into The D.C. Craft Mafia's Unusual Suspects Holiday Fair! So I've got a lot of work to do. Please forgive me if I am lame with posting for the next couple of weeks, as I adjust to working full time again and frantically try to get work made for the shows.
At any rate, what I did get made were these new rings. I call them Scribble rings because I sort of felt like I was drawing with the wire. They are big, and chunky, and fun, and sparkly, and very much like 70's cocktail rings. The stones are different kinds of quartz, serpentine, and carnelian. They are faceted and translucent so the sparkle and glow. I really quite like them and proud of my self for expanding my repertoire of body ornamentation.
Hopefully I'll get a few into my etsy shop someday! To see more check out my flickr page.

pssstttt- check back on Friday, there maybe a surprise coming, hint, hint!

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